Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010

The Showdown of the 'No-Crown Towns'

BuboBlog congratulates the San Francisco Giants on winning the National League pennant and advancing to the World Series.

When people talk about droughts in Major League Baseball, they invariably mention the Cubs, which have now gone 102 years since their last World Series crown. Pretty soon there won't be many people left who were alive in 1908, let alone were cognizant enough to follow Chicago area sports.

Still, I have to assert San Francisco's supremacy in the worst-drought category. Our city has never won a World Series, and we've had baseball for 52 years. Chicago's other team, the White Sox, won their last title in 2005. That means Chicago's drought has lasted a mere five years.

As you can see, San Francisco's opponent in this World Series — Dallas-Ft. Worth, i.e., the Texas Rangers — also has never won a title. But they've only waited 38 years.

UPDATE: While I'm pushing "Showdown of the No-Crown Towns" as the nickname for the World Series, another contender appears to be emerging on Twitter: "Queers versus Steers."

I somehow doubt the Fox announcers are going to use that.

SECOND UPDATE: Really, AP? You went with a San Francisco treat pun in the lede of your story?

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