Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010

Nature Doesn't Smile on Tenderloin Sunday Streets

San Francisco is now in its third year of Sunday Streets — the mayor's project to close roads on certain Sundays in order to promote walking, bicycling and other non-automobile activities. The idea is to make the city more livable and kid-friendly.

It seems like it's been pretty successful so far, though we hadn't personally participated until now. The photo below shows how Sunday Streets works ideally — this is from a previous iteration when they took over the Embarcadero (picture courtesy of the Sunday Streets site).

This week's Sunday Streets was slated for the Tenderloin and Civic Center, and the city was waiting with bated breath to see if the area's drug dealers, crazies and prostitutes were going to take part. Sadly, a rainstorm and 20-mile-an-hour winds pretty much prevented *anyone* from showing up.

Since this is the closest Sunday Streets has come to our neighborhood, we felt like it was our duty to stop by. We were pretty much the only people there, and they ended up closing down at noon.


At least Elliot was able to retreat to his weatherproof chamber and eat a PB&J in comfort.

The good news: The Tribe Origins tent gave us all their free samples of hummus. We have enough for weeks!

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