Senin, 15 November 2010

Goodnight Langton Street, Goodnight Moon

It’s official: We handed over the keys to our house today. With heavy hearts, our family is walking away from Langton Street — an area that’s definitely up-and-coming. I’m sad that I won’t get to see it up-and-come any longer.

We cleared out all our furniture and other things on Saturday, and had them put into storage. We were concerned that this would disturb Elliot; this is the only home he’s ever known. But when he saw the empty house, he squealed with glee as he ran around the rooms. One thing about 2-year-olds — they live in the moment.

I went out to the balcony with him one last time and watched the sun set over SoMa.

Then we looked into the sky and saw a very bright room. Elliot, who remains obsessed with the moon, was thrilled.

It was a nice way to say goodbye.

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